Explore the MIC - get an idea of how to navigate it and what tools and resources it contains!

Members- login here!

Do you have your Member Information Center (MIC) login? If not, follow the below steps:

You can receive a login for this by going to https://business.tricountyareachamber.com/login/, select “Forgot your username/password?” and then enter your email address. Make sure it’s the same email address that you used to sign up for Membership.

Post a press release sharing a special announcement or update regarding your company!

Video here

Add a job posting if you’re hiring!

video here

Check your company's profile and make sure your information and logo is up-to-date. Be sure to enhance your listing to get it looking as good as possible!

Check your personal profile and make sure your information is up-to-date, and adjust your privacy settings as desired – if you are willing to have other Members contact you personally, make sure that information is visible.

Post an event on our community calendar!

Video here

Post a Member-to-Member Discount or Hot Deal to promote your products and services to the community and other Chamber Members. Take advantage of cost savings offered by fellow members.

Contact us for help!

If you are a Member and would like information included in future emails, please take advantage of the free tools in the Member Information Center (MIC). The TCACC staff are happy to help you maximize your Membership. Please feel free to contact us at 610.326.2900 so we can direct you in the right direction! You can also check out the staff page on our website for our email addresses!