The Chamber's role is to be an advocate for your company - and for the community – being an active group that aims to influence decisions within political, economic, and social institutions that will create a climate of growth and success that benefits all. The Chamber connects businesses to other businesses in addition to government and civic leaders to make communities better places to live, work, and play.
To assist with our advocacy efforts and access a variety of resources that we are able to share with the Members of the TriCounty Area Chamber of Commerce, we maintain membership in both the:
- U.S. Chamber of Commerce
- PA Chamber of Business and Industry, the largest broad-based business association in the Commonwealth, serving thousands of member businesses statewide. Its mission is to improve Pennsylvania's business climate and increase the competitive advantage of its members. The PA Chamber is The Statewide Voice of Business.
Advocacy Opportunity for TriCounty Area Chamber of Commerce Small Business Members: Companies with 10 and fewer employees get an even bigger benefit from their membership with the TriCounty Area Chamber of Commerce - a FREE membership with the Pennsylvania Chamber of Business and Industry...and some powerful advantages that are part of the The Statewide Voice of Business.