Monthly Piece Published in the Reading Eagle - January 2023

Posted by Jeff Wolfgang on Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Kicking Off 2023! 


I have used this article space before to talk about and focus on networking. 


Networking is the primary reason we hear that people are joining a Chamber/maintain their membership. They want to meet other businesspeople and hopefully those new connections become customers. 


It is not the focus of this article, but I do want to take any opportunity I can to remind everyone that networking is not about the sale but about the opportunity to meet someone and continue to see them at other events and build a relationship with that fellow Chamber Member. Successful networking takes time and more work than just exchanging business cards at an event. 


Now that I provided my PSA, I want to highlight the opportunities the TriCounty Area Chamber of Commerce has for our Members in the 1st quarter of 2023. All our Chamber events have the opportunity for networking/building relationships and building your network that I just referenced but there is much more to benefit from. 


In January: 

- We welcome New Chamber Members into our office for a New Member orientation. Chamber Membership has a number of programs, events, and services to benefit from and we want to explain where Members can gain the most value based on their business and their goals to help them be successful. 

- Our REACH program will host its first event of 2023, providing a professional development presentation focused on time management to set our REACH attendees up for success in 2023. 

- Our programming also extends to helping our local students while also servicing our Members. On January 25th our next Membership Breakfast will feature a panel of four individuals representing education, business, and workforce investment to answer the question – “Internships – Are They Right for My Business?” If our Members can walk away with the answers they need to pursue partnering with our local schools it creates a win, win situation for both! 


We want to provide our Members opportunities in their Membership that assist them in sharing Member benefits and investing in their team members. This past fall we started offering our Refresh Friday workshops again. Our next few will focus on Succession Planning for your Business; Generating New Leads and Customers; and Bridging the Multi-Generational Gap (this one will also provide a sneak peek behind the scenes of our Leadership TriCounty program for those that might be interested in applying for the Class of 2024). 


In addition to our ongoing programming and the events that we schedule monthly or bi-monthly, we also enjoy focusing on key objectives and providing specific programming at larger, special, annual events:  

On February 15 we will showcase the Connections in the Borough of Pottstown with our Pottstown Progress Luncheon presented by Pottstown Area Economic Development (PAED). This event is a great opportunity to celebrate PAED’s contributions to the economic climate in Pottstown and to recognize the progress made over the last year. 

March 2 is the night of the annual Boyertown Area Progress Dinner. This year’s event will feature the story of four new directors of four non-profit organizations in the Boyertown community. We look forward to hearing their hopes and dreams for their organizations and how they plan to create progress and make a positive impact in their community. 

Last (for purposes of this article) but definitely not last as far as our calendar for 2023 and definitely not least as our April 26th event is our big night! April 26th will be the TriCounty Area Chamber of Commerce Annual Dinner. Every year this event is a celebration of the previous year, recognition of special individuals or organizations that helped us get there, is the “Be in the Room” Chamber event, and also features an entertaining keynote speaker for our audience’s enjoyment but also to leave them with a takeaway to enhance their business. This year it is a two for the price of one – we are excited to have the sister duo of Kay and Shi – Entrepreneurs, Speakers, Sisters – join us to share the story of their family business! 


2023 is just starting and there is already so much to share. Stay tuned for even more to come! 


Categories: General

Tagged: General, Information, Chamber

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