Monthly Piece Published in the Reading Eagle - September

Posted by Jeff Wolfgang on Tuesday, September 6, 2022

#WhyTCACC – Members 1st!

We are so thankful for our TriCounty Area Chamber of Commerce Members and their support! 

The Chamber has started its 2022-2023 program year. At the beginning of August I emailed our Members to ask for their replies to a couple of questions regarding what they would like to see from their Chamber.

Also, we surveyed some Members at a recent event and determined that our Members were interested in small group relationship-building opportunities and business-oriented presentations that provide education on business strategies and methods.

There are some programs we have in place that are already fulfilling small group interactions and we will be keeping the following programs in place:

   Join us as we relaunch REACH Coffee Chat and Book Club in September and Eats and Greets – a special Invitation only informal get to know each other event, based on your Membership renewal month. 

   In addition to the aforementioned programs we will be offering NEW opportunities for building relationships. Once a month the Chamber office is open for you to stop in, have a cup of coffee, meet other members, build relationships, and learn from each other during our Chamber Office Coffee Corner. Limited to 10 participants per month and one Member per business category. Also, Members can take advantage of an opportunity to sponsor and have your business marketed with the notices that are sent to the Membership and we will assist with special invitations to other Chamber Member industries that a sponsor would like to get to know better.

         REACH Power Hour – a new offering of our REACH – Empowering & Connecting Women programming, which will bring together participants for a monthly meeting where the group will support and learn from each other and benefit in growing their companies!

         We are also seeking participants for various roundtable opportunities such as CEO, Industry Specific, and more groups to be formed as our Members’ needs warrant.

         Young Professionals RESTART - We are also looking for volunteers to join our Young Professionals Committee to help us finalize our plans to restart the program this fall.

         And that survey result that stated our Members would like business-oriented presentations that provide education on business strategies and methods....

         We invite the business community to join us on October 18th for our next 9 in 5 Membership Breakfast.

         For the October Membership Breakfast, which will also serve as the Chamber’s Annual Meeting, we will be assigning seats to help our attendees build new relationships and begin our year of offering small group opportunities.

         We know our Members all have successes that we can all learn from, and that Members should be proud to share their story. So, every attendee will serve in a “keynote” speaker role. We will present four topics/issues that all businesses have and/or are dealing with. Each table will spend 10 minutes having a roundtable conversation on each topic – helping each other and learning from each other – strengthening the bonds within your Chamber community. So, bring your experience, ideas, and your needs to the table! 


Please do not hesitate to email or call me at 610.326.2900 if you have any questions about any of our existing programs or any of the new opportunities we are excited to roll out.



Categories: General

Tagged: General, Information, Chamber

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