Tip: Find your own place for the sunset

Posted by Hailey Heimbach on Thursday, August 10, 2023

Tip: Find your own place for the sunset
Summer flies by and before you know it, September is here. You had planned to get together with colleagues. “Now that the weather is nice, once a week let’s do drinks on a deck after work, ok?”

Still hasn’t happened?

Someone has to take charge to make this a reality. It may as well be you! Be the connector.

Decide on your go-to patio and your day of the week and let others know: “On Thursdays after work join us at (you choose the patio).” Send out a message, walk over to someone’s desk and invite them to join in. Be inclusive, rather than exclusive. Be generous with your invitations. You can create an even more interesting group by suggesting people bring a friend or a colleague. Invite your WFH colleagues as well.

It’s always helpful to have a core group of people who buy into the idea and are the kind of people who ‘show up’. Then, to keep the energy going, post photos from the event on a social network/s you all use.

In many places September is as sunny a month as August, so keep the outdoor connecting going!


?No. 1022, August 9, 2023?
?By Gayle Hallgren and Judy Thomson

Categories: General

Tagged: General, Information, Chamber, Tips and Tricks

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