Tip: Have you forgotten someone?
Hailey Heimbach
on Wednesday, July 31, 2024
Tip: Have you forgotten someone? Remember a time when everyone came into the office? While you may not miss some of your difficult colleagues, there were people with whom you had a nice relationship, simply based on being in the same office together. They were amiable colleagues, not besties. Have you continued to connect with some of them regularly?
- Make a list of 5 to 10 colleagues who are working remotely, who you don’t see face-to-face.
- Rate how connected you have been during the last year. (And quietly sitting in on a video meeting doesn’t really count.)
- For the ones you have not connected with as frequently as you would have liked, write their names on a post-it note and put it on your desk.
- Set up a plan to regularly connect. Let them know that you would like to do this and see if they are game. Perhaps it’s a Touch Base Tuesday for 10 minutes?
- Plan a question or two prior to your virtual call. You may not need it, but it’s ‘conversational insurance’.
- Revaluate in a couple of months. Ask them if they’ve enjoyed it, if they want to continue.
It’s a work in progress to make these virtual relationships successful. Be flexible and discuss it with them. It takes two to make this work!
?No. 1073, July 31,
?By Gayle Hallgren and
Judy Thomson
Tagged: General, Information, Chamber, Tips and Tricks
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