Tip: How can networking be less of a chore for you?
Hailey Heimbach
on Wednesday, March 20, 2024
Tip: How can networking be less of a chore for you? Francesca Gino, Maryam Kouchaki, and Tizian Casciaro are researchers who study why people find networking a chore they’d rather avoid. Based on their experiments and studies at a large law firm, they have identified ways that help individuals think about networking not as something they dislike, but something they can actually become excited about! Here are the four ways:
1. Focus on learning from others. Go to a networking event with a curiosity about people. They have knowledge and information you can’t get any other way.
2. Identify common interests to make for easier connecting. This involves asking questions, listening, and looking for where there might be synergy. Bonding then comes easily.
3. Think broadly about what you can give. Feel good about making a positive contribution, whether knowledge, gratitude, or recognition. Remember it doesn’t all have to happen at the first meeting.
4. Consider networking as a strategic activity. Make it a stretch goal to reach out to a higher-level network. By reaching up you get plugged into a set of relationships with well-connected people and raise your profile in the community. You can deliver information and your new strategic connections to your company.
SHEPA LEARNING COMPANY WEEKLY POSITIVE NETWORKING® TIP No. 1054, March 20, 2024 By Gayle Hallgren and Judy Thomson
Tagged: General, Information, Chamber, Tips and Tricks
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