Tip: "I appreciate you."... Do you really?
Hailey Heimbach
on Wednesday, March 5, 2025
Tip: "I appreciate you."... Do you really?
“How are you doing?”, “Let’s get together soon” and “I appreciate you” (a statement gaining popularity) are part of daily banter. There is nothing wrong with these questions or statements but most times they are just tossed out without any concern about the response. To create meaningful interactions these phrases need some additional words or actions. Here are ways to make them more impactful.
When asking, “How are you doing?” pause and wait for the answer. If there is a way to add some context, include that in the question. “How are you doing after this intense week we’ve had at the office?” “How are you doing, I know your little guy has been sick at home.” “How are you doing…” fill in the blank.
If you suggest getting together, follow up immediately with specific details. Recommend a time, place, or activity. “Let’s get together soon, what does your next week/month look like?" At Shepa Learning we work with graduate students from many cultures, and they tell us they find it puzzling when North Americans suggest getting together and then nothing happens. Reminder: try not to flake.
The same holds true for “I appreciate you.” Add some kind, meaningful words to that statement providing tangible examples of what that person does for you. All of a sudden it becomes powerful.
No. 1104, March 5, 2025
By Gayle Hallgren and Judy Thomson
Tagged: General, Information, Tips and Tricks