Tip: What’s the biggest work change since the industrial revolution?
Hailey Heimbach
on Wednesday, May 10, 2023
Tip: What’s the biggest work change since the industrial revolution? Lynda Gratton, Professor of Management Practice at London Business School says hybrid-work is "the biggest change in our lives since the industrial revolution”. This is up for debate (the age of science? the rise of digital technology?), but as a change in the way we work, it is huge--from farm to factory to office to home!
Hybrid-work has truly been a revolution. It is something we are all trying to get our heads around, because it happened virtually overnight.
Here’s how to positively evolve these new work relationships:
1. Be flexible. Avoid drawing of lines in the sand (I won’t work where they don’t allow me to work from home! We want all our employees back in the office!)
2. Speak up. If something isn’t working for you, let the other parties know. Bring solutions to the discussion.
3. Remember your customer. How are they impacted? Changes in service levels, are their needs being met?
4. Try pilot projects. Whether the employer or employees suggest pilot projects related to when and why to bring people to the office remember it’s a work in progress.
5. Be OK with "wasting" a bit of time. Many people feel more productive working disruption-free from home. Coming into the office may seem like mere socializing. Invest time in this bonding.
?No. 1009, May 10,
?By Gayle Hallgren and
Judy Thomson
Tagged: General, Information, Chamber, Tips and Tricks
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