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Increase Your Business' Leadership By Looking For These Skills And Traits

Posted on Wednesday, June 28, 2023
By: Hailey Heimbach
Categories: General

Increase Your Business' Leadership By Looking For These Skills And Traits
The nature of the working environment has noticeably pivoted in the past few years. The Covid-19 pandemic, lockdown, and shifting to remote work for many people changed how teams are managed, while the Great Resignation forced many company leaders to re-evaluate their management...

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Proven Steps To Pitch Your Story To The Media

Posted on Monday, June 26, 2023
By: Hailey Heimbach
Categories: General

Proven Steps To Pitch Your Story To The MediaFRESH CONTENT

Having featured pieces on reputable news sites helps you build your brand and establish yourself (and, by extension, your business) as a reputable authority in your industry. There's a recipe for success when pitching your story to the media, and we're sharing it with you today.

Build a Media List of...

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Dead-End Job Or Opportunity To Grow?

Posted on Monday, June 19, 2023
By: Hailey Heimbach
Categories: General

Dead-End Job Or Opportunity To Grow?

Do you feel stuck in a dead-end job? You aren't alone. In fact, 73% of people feel the same way you do – trapped in a job with little growth potential. But, you can still develop marketable skills while working in your present job, even if there isn't a clear path for advancement at your current company. Let's explore ways...

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Arguments Against Your Annual Employee Reviews

Posted on Monday, June 19, 2023
By: Hailey Heimbach
Categories: General

Arguments Against Your Annual Employee ReviewsFRESH CONTENT
The Employee Annual Review. It brings forth feelings of dread from employees, who often perceive it as either a list of all the things they did wrong that year. Is the Employee Annual Review yet another workplace practice that's outlasted its usefulness? Here are three compelling reasons to ditch the annual review in favor of more...

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Tip: Anxious about speaking up at meetings? Flip your thinking!

Posted on Wednesday, June 14, 2023
By: Hailey Heimbach
Categories: General

Tip: Anxious about speaking up at meetings? Flip your thinking!If you, or someone on your team, has a fear of speaking up at meetings, Vinita Bansal, writing in Medium, suggests you can become bolder by flipping your point of view.

Instead of worrying about looking stupid, or people won’t like your idea or opinion, or thinking it’s better to not risk saying something that...

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Practice For Your Next Job Interview With This Cool New Tool

Posted on Monday, June 12, 2023
By: Hailey Heimbach
Categories: General

Practice For Your Next Job Interview With This Cool New ToolFRESH CONTENT
The Great Resignation, where millions of Americans left their jobs over the course of 2021, created a huge flux in the job market. During the Covid-19 lockdowns and subsequent back-to-the-office shifts in working conditions, many workers realized the grass could be greener on the other side of the fence – and...

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Questions to Ask in Your Next Job Interview

Posted on Monday, June 5, 2023
By: Hailey Heimbach
Categories: General

Questions to Ask in Your Next Job InterviewFRESH CONTENT
You've had a good interview. But now comes that moment you've been dreading. The interviewer asks if you have any questions. And you freeze.

You don't have to stress — because we're here to help you. We'll point out smart questions to ask (and some to avoid). And we'll help you focus your questions so they don't sound...

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Tip: Three ways to make the most out of any conference

Posted on Wednesday, May 31, 2023
By: Hailey Heimbach
Categories: General

Tip: Three ways to make the most out of any conferenceThese are three good questions to ask yourself after any conference you attend:

1. Who were three most interesting people I met, and how will I reconnect with them? Can I add value to those new relationships by introducing them to someone in my network, connecting with them on LinkedIn, following them on social media, or sharing...

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Tip: 3 easy ways to make meeting remotely feel less remote

Posted on Wednesday, May 24, 2023
By: Hailey Heimbach
Categories: General

Tip: 3 easy ways to make meeting remotely feel less remote1. Log into the online call early. You may get the opportunity to have a conversation with the people who also show up early. If you are running the meeting, encourage these conversations.2. If people are adding their comments in chat, engage in that as well. If you like what they are saying, let them know. “Good idea”....

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Instead Of Your Open-Door Leadership Approach, Try This

Posted on Tuesday, May 23, 2023
By: Hailey Heimbach
Categories: General

Instead Of Your Open-Door Leadership Approach, Try This
FRESH CONTENTYour open-door policy of "I'm here if you have questions" or "please tell me if you need anything" may not be as effective or inviting for your employees as you think. You likely are sincere in wanting your team to reach out, but a vague "I'm available" may not be as supportive for floundering employees as you...

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