Tip: Is it time for a Post-summer Reset?

Posted by Hailey Heimbach on Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Tip: Is it time for a Post-summer Reset?

Where was everyone this summer? Looking at social media posts most people seemed to be at the cottage, the cabin, or off to Europe in droves. Out-of-the-office memos popped up everywhere. Is this flurry of activity simply what happens when our lives take a hard-stop for two years.

Now that September is here it might be a good time to hit your 2023 Reset Button. Jessica Stillman offers these “10 Questions to Ask Yourself for a Midyear Reset”:

1. What's the best thing that has happened to me in each month of this year so far?
2. What things do you want to stop doing over the next six months?
3. What habits do I need to establish to reach my goals for the year?
4. What small actions can I do right now to bring me closer to my goals?
5. What caused any delays in reaching my goals so far?
6. Are there any doom pile items I can check off my list right now? (we love this one!)
7. What things am I most grateful for this year so far?
8. What do I want the rest of the year to feel like?
9. What have I learned so far this year?
10. How will I feel at the end of this year if I continue to drift away rather than get closer to accomplishing my goals?

Answer the questions that resonate the most with you, and set yourself up for a productive and positive rest of the year.

No. 1026, September 6, 2023
By Gayle Hallgren and Judy Thomson

Categories: General

Tagged: General, Information, Chamber, Tips and Tricks

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