Tip: A stress-free way to introduce yourself
Hailey Heimbach
on Thursday, March 20, 2025
Tip: A stress-free way to introduce yourself.
“Let’s have everyone introduce themselves” says the meeting leader.
Most of us have some anxiety as we wait for our turn to speak, particularly when we are new to a group.
Andrea Wojnicki in a Harvard Business Review article, offers a simple way to introduce yourself. Think:
● Present
● Past
● Future
Here is an example in her article. We offered some additional ideas in non-italics below.
Present: “Hi, I’m Ashley and I’m a software engineer. My current focus is optimizing customer experience” by….
Fill in the blank, customer experience may be too general. Can you say something that will make others want to know more? (Maybe they will come up to you after the meeting.)
Past: My background is in computer science. Before joining this team, I worked with big data to identify insights for our clients in the health care industry.
Name the company or companies you have worked for to establish your credentials.
Future: I’m excited to work with you all to solve our clients’ biggest challenges!
You can make this shorter, not make the assumption you know all the customer’s challenges. “I’m am excited to work with you all.”
If someone asked you to introduce yourself right now, how would you do it? Try using this simple formula. It doesn’t hurt to prepare something so you are ready for this situation that is guaranteed to happen at work, whether in person or virtually.
No. 1106, March 19, 2025
By Gayle Hallgren and Judy Thomson
Tagged: General, Information, Tips and Tricks