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Tip: Be aware of the blinker-ed conversation

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Posted on Wednesday, March 1, 2023
By: Hailey Heimbach
Categories: General

Tip: Be aware of the blinker-ed conversation


There’s a school of thought that says, 'when you are speaking to someone, give them 100% of your focus.' We don’t think that’s exactly right...

Have you ever been THE person standing at the periphery of a conversation (and wanting to say hi to one or both people) and either they don’t see you, or just ignore you? This can happen at a networking event, conference, or in your office. Awkward, right?

Yes, these two people may be having a private conversation, but that’s not always the case--more likely they don’t have the situational awareness they need in that moment. If it’s a private conversation it would be better to have it later, so that they can welcome the person standing there--who is wondering ‘should I stay or go’?

It’s about making someone feel welcome--not shunned, not rejected. Even the smallest actions can have a positive or negative effect on others.

So, whether it’s at a networking event, or in an office hallway, or social situation, take off the Conversation Blinkers.

No. 999, March 1, 2023
By Gayle Hallgren and Judy Thomson 

Tagged:General, Information, Chamber, Tips and Tricks

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