Tip: Why you need a ‘game face’

Posted by Hailey Heimbach on Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Tip: Why you need a ‘game face’

At Shepa Learning we find that a telephone call can solve so many issues, open a world of opportunities, and create that all important human connection.

But telephone calls have their pitfalls. Though most callers are ready and focused for the interaction, exuding with energy and positivity, the receiver may not be. Thanks to the annoying number of spam calls everyone is on guard. You know how that goes. You don’t recognize the number, you answer the call suspiciously, maybe even sending daggers through the phone! Then it turns out to be someone you actually want to talk to. Not a best first impression.

Our advice is to always answer your phone in a friendly way. Then if it is a junk call, say goodbye and hang up. Or if it’s your habit don’t say goodbye, just hang up. Grrr….

The other pitfall when answering the phone (not knowing if it’s a junk call or not) is to say nothing until the other person or robot starts speaking. But what if it is someone you want to talk to, but they have waited in silence with no response from you? Well, that was awkward…

When the phone rings have your game face on!

No. 1100, February 5, 2025
By Gayle Hallgren and Judy Thomson

Categories: General

Tagged: General, Information, Tips and Tricks

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